Distinguished Alumni
Flávio Francisco da Silva

Convergence between Industrial Engineering and Successful Management
By Carolina Pronto
Flávio Francisco da Silva, born in São Paulo, Brazil, studied at the Lusófona University, in the Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management, between 2017 and 2021. He is also currently pursuing a Master's degree in Industrial Engineering and Management, since 2022.
During the Industrial Engineering and Management (EGI) course, Flávio faced several challenges, highlighting the difference in teaching approach between Portugal and Brazil. It was interesting for the former student to deal with challenges related to management in industry, as he had already worked in the industrial sector. Thanks to these challenges, he was also able to diversify this knowledge, which had previously been lacking.
Currently studying for his Master's degree in Industrial Engineering and Management (MEGI), the alumnus has achieved good results and believes that his previous training at EGI has prepared him well for this stage in the Master's program. He is expanding his knowledge even further and feels confident about what the job market expects from new managers.
These good results are, according to Flávio, due to his perseverance and discipline, which he considers fundamental characteristics for learning the content of the course subjects.
In addition to the course itself, Flávio also took care to take part in extracurricular activities, such as Lean Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing. From his perspective, these courses have had a positive impact on his view of process management and he also mentions the specific knowledge he has acquired, which is an asset and a great help in the professional world, because the adversities in processes are not limited to one discipline and therefore their resolution depends on diversified knowledge.
These courses were an asset to the former student's professional career, and he regrets that he didn't have time to do more courses during his degree, not just on topics related to his professional area, but anything that could add value to a manager, such as management strategies, emotional management, financial management, team and project management.
With regard to the contribution of the EGI course to their training in the area, it has helped in that it has varied subjects between the technical area of engineering and the area of management, making a crossover that tends to train high-value managers.
The alumni's professional career began early, at the age of 14, when he attended a vocational training course. Then, at the age of 15, he started an apprenticeship as a locksmith, which was the first step towards choosing his profession within the industry. At the age of 19, he completed a technical course in industrial mechanics and had a very satisfying experience in this area.
When Flávio was 38, he started his degree in Industrial Engineering and Management, which he is very proud of. More recently, he began to develop practical knowledge in various companies and held a variety of positions, contributing and earning the respect of his professional colleagues. In 2023, he completed an MBA in Production and Quality Management, feeling satisfied with his academic career and with the teamwork and colleagues he has met in all the organizations he has worked for. He is currently open to any new challenges that may arise in his career.
The former student currently holds a position as manager of the maintenance department at the company Alualpha SA, also working on the development of production processes.
As a maintenance manager, Flávio highlights the importance of the courses Maintenance Management, Business Organization and Management, Methods Engineering, Financial Accounting and Operational Research, which provide a holistic view of management and processes.
Finally, the successful professional gives some tips for future graduates of the EGI course:
"1º Don't compare your journey with that of others;
2nd, design a strategy to achieve your goals and focus on executing it to the best of your ability; discipline will bring results."
The EGI course wishes you a successful career. May you remain dedicated and determined, as your talent and hard work will take you even further.
Reviewed by: Dr. João Tavares
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