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The course provides students some labs that allow practical classes:
Physics Laboratory
The Physics Laboratory is equipped to carry out various experiments in the Curricular Units of Physics, mainly in the field of General Mechanics. Allows students to deepen their knowledge from a practical point of view and to develop their capacity to carry out autonomous activities. It is located in room D.2.10.
Chemistry Lab
In the Chemistry Lab, students have an opportunity to apply knowledge obtained in theoretical classes. Besides, they can experience laboratory work, learning about safe handling and good laboratory practices rules.
LabEGI - Industrial Engineering and Management Laboratory
The Industrial Engineering and Management Laboratory (LabEGI) was recently remodeled, bringing together essential ergonomic conditions for users. With the optimization of space, LabEGI can receive a greater number of users simultaneously.
LAbEGI has an adequate infrastructure for practical classes, enabling students to have a more practical experience with the application of simulation software that provide a virtual learning platform, allowing simulation and visualization of technical processes. The software offered are OpenCIM and virtual IMS. The laboratory will support the Curricular Units of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Production Planning and Control, Process Management, Automation, Logistics, among others.
Industrial Pilot Unit (UIP)
The Industrial Pilot Unit (UIP) is one of labs of Industrial Engineering and Management course. The UIP was designed to produce beer and function as a laboratory for the course, providing students with the first contact with industrial equipments/processes, presenting the phases of product production, forms of control and maintenance, which enables the use of its installations in practical classes of several curricular units.
The laboratory was renovated in 2020 and its production system became automatic. This system was designed in order to be used in the computers of LabEGI (Industrial Engineering and Management lab) and it also is equipped with a Web Server, which enables the operation and monitoring of the system at a distance through a smartphone, tablet or computer.
Deep Tech Lab
O laboratório Deep Tech Lab é um laboratório recentemente inaugurado (em Dezembro de 2022) e está localizado no Edifício D piso 3. O laboratório, especializado em nanotecnologia, é onde decorrem as aulas praticas da unidade curricular de Nanotecnologias e Nanomateriais do mestrado de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial. Neste sentido, o objetivo principal desta unidade curricular é o de fornecer conhecimentos aos alunos sobre estas novas nanotecnologias e nanomateriais e as suas aplicações na resposta a desafios da sociedade moderna. Nas aulas os alunos têm acesso a equipamentos como a máquina de pressão 30T para preparação de blocos porosos a partir de nano-pós, um equipamento multímetro para investigação de propriedades elétricas de nano-pós e uma máquina PVD para deposição de grafite de carbono para criar contato em nanomateriais.
For further information, access Deep Tech Lab
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Happy Women's Day

Students visit the Job Fair

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