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10th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference | 09 Jan
How to transform teams and boost sales?
Lean philosophy is the key!
In the session organized by ULusófona, Daniel Bourdain shared ideas on optimizing processes and creating value.
10th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference - December 10th
In the “Excellence in Action” seminar, Luís Fernandes explored transformative leadership practices and solid governance, demonstrating how companies can reduce costs and increase productivity.
Lean Lab Workshop Focuses on Gamification and Operational Excellence
Training featured an innovative approach in the Master's in Engineering and Industrial Management at Lusófona University
Special Educational Needs: Inclusion and Protection
Higher education institutions have shown a growing sensitivity to the difficulties that students may face in learning and participating in an academic context, due to limitations of various kinds (physical, sensory, cognitive, psychosocial, etc.). This positive change is in line with the legal framework for inclusive education (Decree-Law no. 54/2018), which establishes the principles and standards for ensuring the inclusion of students with special educational needs. However, attention to the needs of students with learning difficulties, integration and access was already a commitment of universities towards building a more inclusive and accessible academic environment for all.
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Students visit the Job Fair

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