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Special Educational Needs: Inclusion and Protection
Higher education institutions have shown a growing sensitivity to the difficulties that students may face in learning and participating in an academic context, due to limitations of various kinds (physical, sensory, cognitive, psychosocial, etc.). This positive change is in line with the legal framework for inclusive education (Decree-Law no. 54/2018), which establishes the principles and standards for ensuring the inclusion of students with special educational needs. However, attention to the needs of students with learning difficulties, integration and access was already a commitment of universities towards building a more inclusive and accessible academic environment for all.
Lusófona University, based on its policy of support and inclusion, has had the Gabinete de Acompanhamento de Estudantes com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (GAENEE) since 2016, which aims to assess students' special educational needs and create conditions for them to succeed in their academic career.
GAENEE's intervention ranges from adapting the learning environment (physical accessibility, didactic adaptation and assistive technologies) to pedagogical support (individual tutoring, differentiated assessment), psychosocial support and collaboration with the family. In addition, students with proven disabilities can apply for a scholarship equivalent to the amount of tuition fees paid.
Universidade Lusófona recognizes that the inclusion of students with special educational needs is an ongoing process that requires a commitment from the entire academic community. Through GAENEE, Universidade Lusófona is committed to ensuring that all students have the same opportunities to succeed, regardless of their needs. For more information on support for students with special educational needs, see the GAENEE website GAENEE or contact by email:
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