Distinguished Alumni
Aimée Aguiar

Spectacular professional path
By: Raphaela Vidal
In this fist post from "Distinguished Alumni", we highlight the extraordinary journey of Aimée Aguiar, 43 years old, from S.Tomé e Príncipe.
After getting her Industrial Engineering and Management degree at Lusófona University in 2008, she starts her career, working in management field. In 2008, She was accepted to Master in Medical Imaging in UK, at University of Dundee. At the same year, she was awarded the Chevening Scholarship due to her leadership potential, networking and academic and professional excellence. In 2009, she got a master degree with distinction of excellent. Additionally, she was considered outstanding máster student and was awarded the Open Prize of School of Science and Engineering of UoD.
Aimée finds her determination, patience and perseverance associated to the Industrial Engineering and Management course´s versatility the main components for her success in academic and professional life (Management and Maintenance of medical equipments) Back in the time that Aimée was a student at Lusófona, she recognises the core faculty´s support:
“All professors were important, but I would highlight Professor Rui Assis who always encouraged me to do more and better..[..] today, I just have to say :” Thank you Professor”.
The Aimée’s Journey is inspiring. To students, Aimée leaves a mensage: “if you like what you are studying, so go ahead, even when it seems there is no future. Simply, believe that because you are doing what you love, you will succeed”. Aimée Aguiar had professional experience at an agency of United Nations and today she is currently working in Lisbon, in the metrology field.
Our best wishes to Aimée Aguiar.
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