Students (and workers) plan their career path: Edite Magalhães

By Raphaela Vidal
The student Edite Francisco Magalhães, 24 years old, from Luanda, have been working for 2 years in sales, comments about her experience as student that works at same time.Edite considers it is not a easy task to conciliate studies and work.
She advise her colegues: "somestimes, there are some moments that we think to quit and lose motivation…howerver, when you get faith, priority, discipline and motivation, we can manage to conquer even what we least expect it".
Edite points out positive aspects in starting (early) her professional life: "( professional experience) made-me a sociable person, capable to deal with different types of people and their different characteristics".
She also emphasizes the core faculty´s contributions in her academic path: "Professors from Lusófona University are patient, helpful and available to answer questions. However, it is important that students are willing to learn".
Although Industrial Engineering and Managemt (IEM) course was not her first choice, Edite is delighted by that and considers a comprehensive course and concludes: "IEM became my passion".
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