Students (and workers) plan their career path: Rui Tomaz

By Raphaela Vidal
Rui Tomaz, from Águeda, Aveiro District, shares his professional experiences, highlighting what drove him so far. The student started his career as logistics and management coordinator. Participated in the formation of a company (industry construction) in Angola, where he joined the prospecting team. Moreover, he have worked in Moçambique and S. Tomé. Now-a-days, Rui works in Lisbon for a multinational company.
The student realized the need to have a university degree aiming at career progression. Choosing the Degree in Engineering and Industrial Management (IEGI) will help him to find his goal: [IEGI course] is transversal to several areas what afford an easy adaptation to the market[…] the management component open new horizons and opportunities to rise hierarchically to management positions.
Over 20 years professional experience, the student summarizes what drives him to the academic success: “Dedication, planning and resilience must be bases for it, Besides, family support in order to get time for studies”.
Rui advises his collegues:” Set time to study for each discipline. It is not recomended to study just day-before the exam. In fact, in the day-before the exam, it is time for reflection “. Still, when the need arose, Rui did not hesitate to look for a math tutor, after all, he had been away from the classroom for many years.
To Rui, our best wishes! Go ahead!
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