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Study visit to FAPIL

11 July, 2024

On May 24, 2024, the 1st year students of the EGI Degree visited the Fapil factory, located in Venda do Pinheiro. This visit, organized by teacher Raphaela Vidal, gave the students a unique opportunity to observe the workings of a renowned industry up close, to understand some of its production processes from the input of raw materials to the output of the finished product, offering a practical experience that complements the theoretical learning in the classroom.

Here are some testimonials from our students:

"This visit was very important because we were able to see in practice what we have been learning in the course subjects." (Gabriel Bau)

"The study visit provided a comprehensive overview of the operation and culture of this company, highlighting its importance in the market and its contribution to the national economy." (Chelsea Contreiras and Celeste Oseias)

"[...] it was a very educational and enriching experience, giving us a broader understanding of the industrial and organizational processes involved in the production of cleaning utensils." (Bráulio Pires)

"The visit gave us a unique experience, full of valuable discoveries and learning. It was undoubtedly an incredible and enriching visit and I am very grateful to have taken part." (Arisha Afzal)

We would like to thank FAPIL, Conceição Teixeira and Patrícia Lourenço for their availability.

Credits of the photos above: FAPIL

Credits of the photos above: Arisha Afzal