DeepTechLab in "Futuro Hoje"
On November 28th, Sic Noticias' "Futuro Hoje" aired a report on the technology developed in the CATCHER project at the DeepTechLab at Lusófona University.
In the interview, professors Andriy Lyubchyk and Svitlana Lyubchyk, researchers at the RCM2+ Research Center, explained to the general public the innovative technology, based on nanomaterials, developed to directly convert atmospheric humidity into electrical energy. To see the report, click here.
Image credits: Futuro hoje - SIC
Master In Industrial Engineering And Management (MIEM)
The master in Industrial Engineering and Management course has a strong connection to industries and R&D instituitions, resulting in a great opportunity for those who want to expand their knowledge, becoming a more competitive professional in the job market.
The Research Center in Industrial Engineering, Management and Sustainability is a research unit integrated into the Industrial Engineering and Management group of the Faculty of Engineering of Lusófona University
The Industrial Pilot Unit (UIP) is one of labs of Industrial Engineering and Management course. The UIP was designed to produce beer and function as a laboratory for the course, providing students with the first contact with industrial equipments/processes, presenting the phases of product production, forms of control and maintenance, which enables the use of its installations in practical classes of several curricular units.
Degree course in Industrial Engineering and Management
Access information about the Degree course.
Access information related to the University application process.
The Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management was specially designed to meet the needs of the market and students. A specialized faculty that constantly follows market trends, with a view to continuous improvement of the course and achieves the total employability of its students.
The knowledge acquired in the degree in EGI develops a spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation, essential to the demands of today.
És estudante de países da CPLP?
Vem estudar conosco!
O Grupo Lusófona, Centro Universitário de Lisboa, concede, anualmente, 130 bolsas de estudos (isenção ou redução de propinas) aos candidatos dos Estados-Membros da CPLP e Macau.
Aceda ao Despacho Conjunto 53/2023 para informações, prazo e link para inscrição.
Are you a student from a CPLP member country?
Come and study with us!
The Lusófona Group, Lisbon University Center, awards 130 scholarships (tuition fee waivers or reductions) each year to candidates from CPLP Member States and Macau.
Access Joint Order 53/2023 for information, deadline and registration link.
Reportagens Reporting News
10th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference | 09 Jan
How to transform teams and boost sales?
Lean philosophy is the key!
In the session organized by ULusófona, Daniel Bourdain shared ideas on optimizing processes and creating value.
10th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference - December 10th
In the “Excellence in Action” seminar, Luís Fernandes explored transformative leadership practices and solid governance, demonstrating how companies can reduce costs and increase productivity.
Lean Lab Workshop Focuses on Gamification and Operational Excellence
Training featured an innovative approach in the Master's in Engineering and Industrial Management at Lusófona University